The strategic vision of AHS is to build on the training it already provides to practitioners, health professionals, educators and laypeople, and to lead the region in training students and professionals working in the field of rehabilitation
Overall, the main focus of AHS at present is in delivering programmes to people with disabilities. AHS provides an early intervention program and primary schooling for children up to the age of 11 yrs with disabilities. AHS also delivers community outreach throughout Jordan, to people with all types of disabilities and for all ages, and it has provided an assortment of specialised training initiatives to groups of people with disabilities and the health professionals who work with them. Assistive technology with an employment skills focus is one specialist training initiative, for example, which AHS has delivered to people with all types of disabilities, in particular adults.
Many other service providers and organisations interested in acquiring skills in this field come to AHS to benefit from its expertise in providing practical training to practitioners and communities working with حpersons with disabilities as well as other specialist areas in disability service provision. Currently training activities comprise approximately ten per cent of AHS’s organizational activity. Amongst health professionals AHS is regarded as a reputable, high quality provider and since 2009 till now has regularly provided training to students from the major Jordan universities in rehabilitation specialties (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy) as well as a number of other training courses for practitioners and others in the community.
Over the last years period AHS intends to establish itself as the regional Centre of Excellence for Specialist Training in Rehabilitation. AHS provided specialist training and professional development programmes to student and practitioner-level health professionals who work with people with disabilities. Training been across the clinical disciplines of occupational therapy, physical therapy, nursing, special education, counseling, rehabilitation studies and other related specialties.
The most important specialized training topics that AHS provides:
· Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices Surveys
· Adaptation and maintenance of mobility aids
· Wheelchair Provision
· Assistive Technology.
· Integration
· Differentiated education
· Prosthetics and medical devices