Community-Based Rehabilitation – CBR


 In 1996, AHS was the first organization that introduced and contributed with a number of local and international organizations to implement Community Based Rehabilitation strategies in all regions of Jordan, especially regions with limited resources. CBR is recognised by AHS as an effective strategy for meeting the needs of people with disabilities especially who live in rural areas.


Concept of CBR

CBR is a strategy within general community development for the rehabilitation, equalization of opportunities and social inclusion of all people with disabilities. CBR is implemented through the combined efforts of people with disabilities themselves, their families, organizations and communities, and the relevant governmental and non-governmental health, education, vocational, social and other services. CBR promotes collaboration among community leaders, people with disabilities, their families, and other concerned citizens to provide equal opportunities for all people with disabilities in the community


The major objectives of CBR are:

1.     To ensure that people with disabilities are able to maximise their physical and mental abilities, to access regular services and opportunities, and to become active contributors to the community and society at large.


2.     To activate communities to promote and protect the human rights of people with disabilities through changes within the community, for example, by removing barriers to participation.



AHS CBR Services :          

§  Advocacy

§  Awareness-raising

§  Empowering parents and caregivers

§  Livelihood Programs

§  Inclusion of disabled people

§  Mainstreaming

§  Provision of mobility aids

§  Volunteer Training

§  Capacity-building ( CBR workers and specialists )

§  Accessibility

Beneficiaries       key stakeholders:

§  Communities

§  Marginalized persons

§  Volunteer

§  Primary health workers, school teachers, social workers and other community development

§  workers

§  Persons with disabilities ( all types of disabilities) and their family members

§  Disabled peoples organizations and self-help groups

§  Government officials involved in disability programmes, especially local government

§  Personnel and local leaders

§  Personnel from local  organizations


Applied Policies:  

§  Human rights approach

§  Cross-disability, including the different identities that persons with all types of   impairment may have e.g. gender, age

§  Community owned and directed

§  Built on the strengths and resources of the communities

§  Participation

§  Accessibility

§  Gender equality

    Scientific reference

§  CBR guidelines- WHO 2010

§  The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

§  Legislation and local laws


Over the past years, Al-Hussein Society has moved to the application of the concept of Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) through the application of community rehabilitation strategies as an approach that focuses on the person and the community.

CBID is the goal or the end result that must be achieved. At the same time, community rehabilitation is the strategy to reach the goal. Al-Hussein Society was aware of this, and over the past few years it began to transform its programs and services to implement a CBID approach


Mobile Clinic

Mobile Clinic