Annaual Report

Due to the global pandemic of Covid-19, Al Hussein Society faced number of challenges that effected in a radical decrease of the number of beneficiaries in comparison with the previous years. The major challenge of AHS was and still is the scarce financial resources due to very bad economic situation in the region in general and Jordan in specific. AHS did not receive sufficient financial support from both public and private sectors to cover its expenses and had to limit its programs to those sponsored by international organizations like OCHA, CBM and HELP. Due to COVID-19 and the associated defense orders, AHS operations were minimized focusing on community based rehabilitation by launching its initiative “Your Home is our Address” and providing online education and training workshops. AHS dealt with this challenge as an opportunity for improvement. AHS reviewed all its programs to see to what extend they serve the current needs and to what extent its activities are integrated. As a result the following needs raised that will feed into our future 5 year strategic plan. 1- Comprehensive Assessment Services by Multidisciplinary Team 2- Pediatric Rehab Services including mental health services 3- Adult and Geriatric Rehab Services including mental health services 4- Assistive Technology including Orthopedic Workshop & Mobility Environmental Adaptation Workshops 5- Research and Training in inclusive education and rehabilitation One of the most significant events for AHS during 2020 was its international online conference on “Networking and Sustainable Development” when AHS international partners shared their experiences with AHS in implementing development projects and their impact in improving the quality of life of people with disabilities. Despite all the challenges AHS still has faith in its stakeholders and its team that with their support we will be able to survive and even grow and present a model for others to follow.

2019- Technical and administrative annual report

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