Annaual Report

During 2019 Al Hussein Society, represented by its board members, management and technical staff, continued providing quality comprehensive rehabilitation services and training according to international standards while abiding by the national laws, regulations and strategies relevant to disabilities. This required following up on the latest development in the field of disabilities. For instance, according to recent studies, mental health services and assistive technologies have been identified as major gaps in the provision of comprehensive rehab services. AHS had to integrate these services into its programs, a fact that increased our financial burdens. Though we cannot but thank those who have given us their helping hands to overcome these challenges we had to think of activating our income generating projects including our vintage store “NEW To YOU” and Physiotherapy Center to be able to reach the most vulnerable people living in Jordan including refugees living in the camps and host communities. I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to every single person with whose help we were able to reach more than four thousand persons with disabilities at the national level whether through providing institutional rehab services or reaching those, who cannot reach us through our mobile clinics. With your continuous support, we look forward to pursue our mission in 2020 and become a center of excellence for others to follow in order to reach all those who are in desperate need to affordable quality rehab services at the national level

2020- Technical and administrative annual report

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